
5 Things You Need To Know About Tart Cherries

In addition to being a delicious snack, juice and ingredient… we love tart cherries because of the array of health benefits they promote!From improving sleep, to decreasing muscle pain and inflammation, over 50 studies show that tart cherries are a powerful source of beneficial nutrition. Below are five reasons you should incorporate tart cherries into your lifestyle!


Do you have trouble sleeping through the night and find yourself consuming caffeine all day just to feel more awake? You’re not alone... over 33% of U.S. adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Research shows that Montmorency tart cherry juice may help improve the quality and length of sleep, as well as reduce insomnia.

Loss of sleep doesn’t just affect your productivity for the day, it can also cause weight gain and other health problems. A proper night’s sleep is very important to your overall well-being, and thanks to tart cherries, you can naturally help your body get the rest it needs! Tart cherries are a natural source of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates of the body’s internal clock and sleep-wake cycle.

Drink tart cherry juice or concentrate before bed or simply take a tart cherry supplement each day, and start making sleep a priority.

Tart Tip

Try this Tart Cherry Moon Milk as a soothing and delicious beverage before bed!



Not all bacteria are bad… you are probably aware of the trending topic on how good bacteria can benefit your body! Foods that contain probiotics are becoming increasingly popular and people are experiencing the benefits that good bacteria has on gut health. The condition of your gut is extremely important, taking care of your digestive health can help you combat viruses, fight diseases and just simply help you feel your best!

Foods that are abundant in natural plant compounds, such as polyphenols, can also positively impact digestive health by stimulating the growth of good bacteria living in the intestinal tract. Montmorency tart cherries are rich in polyphenols, and studies suggest that incorporating these into your diet may help enhance gut health.

So start enjoying the benefits and deliciousness of tart cherries and be good to your gut!

Tart Tip

Get creative with your tart cherry juice with this Tart Cherry Elixir. This power drink is not only delicious, but it’s packed with the health benefits of tart cherry juice, ginger, turmeric and more!



Pre and post workout routines are just as important as the actual workout. Tart cherry juice is becoming the go-to recovery drink after exercise for athletes! Tart cherries are a rich source of antioxidants and are packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Running, biking, lifting… no matter what your fitness routine is, tart cherry juice is great for relieving muscle soreness.

What do tart cherries have to do with muscle recovery? Inflammation, muscle damage and oxidative stress are the causes of pain and soreness after exercise. Tart cherries contain anti-inflammatory properties and have been known to help with all three causes of muscle pain.

Studies show Montmorency tart cherry juice has the ability to reduce muscle pain and weakness after long distance running and intense strength training. Want to incorporate tart cherries into your active lifestyle? Drink a 10-ounce glass of Montmorency tart cherry juice before workouts. Drink an additional glass or eat a handful of dried tart cherries within 30 minutes after workouts.

Tart Tip

Tart cherries are the perfect ingredient to your smoothies or healthy snacks! Check out this Post-Workout Recovery Tart Cherry Smoothie Bowl.



What you eat can play a huge role in the health of your heart! Fruits and vegetables, especially dark colored, are beneficial to your heart. Tart cherries are a fruit that you should add into your diet for a number of healthy reasons!

Research shows that tart cherries may provide many benefits to your heart, such as lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing inflammation and improving belly fat. All of these correlate with heart disease.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women in North America, so show your heart some love and be sure to exercise and consume plenty of tart cherries!


Research shows that antioxidants in tart cherries can reduce inflammation related to arthritis and gout!

For generations people have been using tart cherries to relieve their arthritis pain, but now there are many studies to support the theory of the positive effects that tart cherries can have on arthritis and gout relief. Tart cherries are one of the highest sources of anthocyanins, which have been shown to fight inflammation even as much as some pain medications.

Some researchers have concluded that Montmorency tart cherries have more inflammation-fighting potential than any other food. Inflammation is the cause of many serious health conditions, including arthritis.

Check out what our researchers found when studying the benefits of tart cherries on those with arthritis and gout! 

  • Reduces inflammation
    8 ounces of 100% tart cherry juice consumed daily for four weeks helped reduce inflammation associated with many chronic diseases
  • Lowers risk of gout attacks
    Patients with gout who consumed Montmorency tart cherries over a two-day period showed a 35 percent lower risk of gout attacks compared to no intake
  • Manages Osteoarthritis
    Oregon Health & Science University found that participants who drank 10.5-ounce bottles of Montmorency tart cherry juice twice daily for 21 days experienced a significant reduction in serum biomarkers of inflammation

Tart Tip

Get a healthy start to your day with these Cherry Almond Overnight Oats!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.